
Helpful Hints
Assets & Assumptions
20. Existing Life Insurance. Enter only the total of your group and individual life insurance that is payable to your survivors, reduced by the amount of any policy loans.
21. Savings and Investments. Enter the market value of bank accounts, money market accounts, CDs, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, rental property, and other real estate (excluding your residence).
22. Additional Savings Needed. Enter additional retirement or other savings you wish to have at the end of the life insurance “needs” period. In retirement, most people will require about 60% to 80% of their pre-retirement income. Of this, some portion will come from Social Security.
23. Total Current Assets. This is the sum of Items 20 and 21.
Financial Assumptions
24. Inflation Rate. A 3.0% inflation rate has been incorporated in the calculation. Override this pre-populated entry if you have information that will produce a more personalized analysis.
25. Investment Yield. A 6.0% yield on investments has been incorporated in the calculation. Override this pre-populated entry if you have information that will produce a more personalized analysis. A reasonable long-term range for an investment yield is 4% to 8%.
26. Lost Income Potential. This allows for lost income due to (a) “normal” year-over-year increases in earned income, as well as (b) annual income increases as you climb the corporate ladder or otherwise achieve financial success.An average annual income increase of 3.2% is built into CALC. It is based on the 10-year average increase ending in 2010, as reported in a Hewitt Associates survey of increases for exempt employees, 2001—2013. Override this pre-populated entry if you have information that will produce a more personalized analysis.