What is Core Life?

Core Life is annually renewable group life insurance that you can begin as early as age 18 and continue to age 90. This is term life insurance, which, because of its low cost relative to other types of life insurance, continues to be the most popular life insurance choice.*

COVID-19 Update: We are accepting new life insurance applications. Please visit our product page for details.


  • Lots of choices. Insurance amounts from $50,000 to $750,000. Click here for product information.

  • Automatic Benefit Increases (ABIs). Your insurance can increase—repeatedly—even if your health fails and you become uninsurable. This could be the most valuable feature in any life insurance you have. Through ABIs, coverage can double over 10 years (or increase by 50% for Quick Decision applicants).

  • Quick Decision.  Can provide an immediate decision on applications up to $250,000.**

  • Coverage to age 90.   This insurance continues to age 90 as long as premiums are paid on time.

  • Automatic premium payment option. Straight from your bank account with no surcharge.

*Insure.com, July 2017
**Quick Decision is for applicants under age 50 not in MT, NY, UT and VA, but other underwriting options are available.